My path is that of Knowledge. For some reason, I was drawn to listen to this discourse again and again over the last few of weeks. Yesterday I started taking a few notes - and things just clicked!
"The last statement of the Master is the most refined expression of their Enlightenment" - Nithyananda
Have a Clear idea of Intuition
"The most untapped natural resource... Available unused in every being... Available by being simple... no fear of the unknown."
"Fearlessness awakens Intuition. Intuition itself awakens Fear" (that if this comes true, then all my Intuitions will come true.)
"Best way to have Intuition is not to be bothered about Intuition..... More attention we give for Intuition, brings greed/fear which takes away Intuition."
Manipuraka chakra is the Intuition center... "Intuition follows whatever comes with no fear."
Have Courage to move bio-memory as per Intuition. If you don't, ability to be Intuitive will be lost
"Moment you become a seeker. Moment you want your own spiritual path, have the guts and courage to live your Intuition."
Strong Trust
Start trusting your Intuition. You may make mistakes, but you will make fewer mistakes than before.
"Trust that Intuition is Reality."
"In the beginning, the Mind talking will be Intuition."
"If you feel there is a bad Intuition, bad idea about your future, be very clear it is not Intuition. The real Intuition, when it happens, your bio-memory is in tune with that Intuition. It flows very smoothly...there is no fear...there is no greed.
"Do not trust anything outside you more than you - your own Intuition."
Nithyananda on Intuition - Part 1
Nithyananda on Intuition - Part 2
"The last statement of the Master is the most refined expression of their Enlightenment" - Nithyananda
- "Let you be the Light unto yourself." - Budhha's last statement
- "Knowledge reveals all and the Self of all is the Knower.
Contemplate on the Knowledge and the Knower as being the same. " - Shiva's last statement
Have a Clear idea of Intuition
"The most untapped natural resource... Available unused in every being... Available by being simple... no fear of the unknown."
"Fearlessness awakens Intuition. Intuition itself awakens Fear" (that if this comes true, then all my Intuitions will come true.)
"Best way to have Intuition is not to be bothered about Intuition..... More attention we give for Intuition, brings greed/fear which takes away Intuition."
Manipuraka chakra is the Intuition center... "Intuition follows whatever comes with no fear."
Have Courage to move bio-memory as per Intuition. If you don't, ability to be Intuitive will be lost
"Moment you become a seeker. Moment you want your own spiritual path, have the guts and courage to live your Intuition."
Strong Trust
Start trusting your Intuition. You may make mistakes, but you will make fewer mistakes than before.
"Trust that Intuition is Reality."
"In the beginning, the Mind talking will be Intuition."
"If you feel there is a bad Intuition, bad idea about your future, be very clear it is not Intuition. The real Intuition, when it happens, your bio-memory is in tune with that Intuition. It flows very smoothly...there is no fear...there is no greed.
"Do not trust anything outside you more than you - your own Intuition."
Nithyananda on Intuition - Part 1
Nithyananda on Intuition - Part 2