We have 7 major energy centers or chakras in our body. These energy centers can be blocked by negative thoughts and emotions, resulting in physical disease and mental and emotional distress. The chakras can be unblocked using a variety of techniques including meditation, mantra, yoga and energized crystals and gemstones.
Crystals and gemstones store, focus, amplify, transmit energy and transform negative energy into positive energy. Crystals and gemstones can cleanse, unblock, balance and activate chakras. Each crystal or gemstone vibrates at it’s own particular frequency, helping to cleanse and energize a related chakra and the 7 major chakras influence our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, affecting every aspect of our lives. For example, these semi-precious eNergy Beads attract eN-Wealth.
eNergy Beads (you can get them here.) hold the high energy of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. They help you tap into the pure cosmic energy inside you and enable your body’s natural intelligence and self-healing powers to restore physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
An eNergy Bead mala is a rosary, a string of 108 beads plus one more bead, the “sumeru” or mountain or guru bead. It is a tool used in meditation by many of the world’s traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Meditators chant a mantra for each bead in the mala, starting with the first bead next to the guru bead. When they reach the guru bead, they stop, or continue in the reverse direction, never passing the guru bead. Sanskrit mantras create special vibrations that are known to transform the physical body, still the mind and open the subtle energy centers.
Sandalwood - supports changes to your mental setup specific to your path
Tulsi - most powerful protection, brings peace and harmony
Crystal (Spatika) - powerfully energizes, gives clarity