Bhakta Swami's Tips on Liquid Diet for Cleansing and Weight-loss
1) Do Drink or Gulp, Don't Chew or Lick food
There are 4 ways to consume food - Chewing, Gulping, Drinking, Licking.
Avoid Chewing and Licking. Drink anything and Gulp if you need to, for example to take a vitamin pill.
2) Do Drink clear Liquids - vegetables, leaves or fruit
Clear liquids help cleanse the intestine, which is normally lined with mucus and old food, a haven for parasites, infections, and toxic chemical deposits.
Drink as much of and any combination of vegetables, leaves and fruit, but too much fruit will not help with weight loss.
3) Detox Routine - (toxins start to collect on the tongue in the 2nd week)
1) Do Drink or Gulp, Don't Chew or Lick food
There are 4 ways to consume food - Chewing, Gulping, Drinking, Licking.
Avoid Chewing and Licking. Drink anything and Gulp if you need to, for example to take a vitamin pill.
2) Do Drink clear Liquids - vegetables, leaves or fruit
Clear liquids help cleanse the intestine, which is normally lined with mucus and old food, a haven for parasites, infections, and toxic chemical deposits.
Drink as much of and any combination of vegetables, leaves and fruit, but too much fruit will not help with weight loss.
- Cantalopue juice is the most healthy and tasty drink - juice with the yellow hard skin included.
- Watermeon juice is great - just shave the green hard skin on top, and let the white all be there, seeds and all, include them, just juice them.
- A warm Soup is ideal at mid-day.
- Avoid Dairy - it increases mucus production.
3) Detox Routine - (toxins start to collect on the tongue in the 2nd week)
- Oil pulling - first thing in the morning, with 5ml seseme oil for 10 mins.
- Neem juice as soon as you wake up. Boil the neem bark in the water, for 30 minutes the night before until the water is dark. Drink a cup of juice, warm or cold in the morning.
- Workout to remove more toxins - Suryanamaskars, stretching, skiping, jumping jacks, a good walk, eliptical machine, tread mill, crunches, pushups, pull ups , dumbels. More cardio than weight, as muscle will be slightly weaker and susceptible to burning.
- Clear vegetable juice - 1 liter morning and night, drink within minutes of juicing to get the maximum benefit of enzymes that get depleted in minutes. Chop and juice 4 stalks of celery, 1/2 lb red cabbage, hand full of cut spinach, one squash, 1 bell pepper of any two colors, 2 cucumbers, and optionally 2 or 3 carrots and 2 or 3 tomatoes to sweeten it and 1 orange or apple for taste. If you are mentally strong, add beet root and stronger leaves. Just wash them nicely with water and finally rinse with very nice drinking water. - stomach gets more senitive and you should wash off all the pesticides and other chemicals, wax etc before you juice them.
- Vegetable soup - Use the pulp from the juicer, simmer on low for 3 hours with 4 times water to pulp. Keep adding water as needed, do not add oil, spices, salt etc. For cleansing strain and drink the clear soup, otherwise just have it all. Sit on the floor cross legged and drink the soup. Before you drink, add a tinge of rock salt, a tinge of iodised salt, a drop of extra virgin olive oil, and finally a twist of lemon, or lime.
- Fruit juice - a combination of canteloupe, watermelon, apple, orange, ( no banana, grapes, or any greasy fruits). Do not add water, or sugar. If you are not on a cleansing diet, after working out, you can drink a glass of skimmed milk with some protein powder.
- Samyama to the moon - if the moon has not been out, just be prepared with body.