Apr 3, 2011

Liquid Diet

I have never been able to diet. As soon as I miss a meal, I get headaches. If I reduce my intake, in just a day or two I get a cold or flue. So I have never tried to diet but with eN-Weightloss and a liquid diet, I have lost 6lbs in 12 days!

I am so thrilled and feel so light! Full of energy, no headaches, no illness! So what did I do?

1) Neem juice first thing in the morning - dissolve 1 tsp Neem powder in some hot water, add some cold water to cool it, grimace and gulp it down.

2) Lemon honey "tea" - squeeze a fresh lemon, add hot water, add 1 tsp of organic, locally grown honey. Lemon has an alkalizing (more healthy) effect on the body.

3) At some point in the late morning or often around 1pm, a shake - blend a banana, whatever juice is in the fridge - apple or mango - along with a spoon of Trader Joe's Super Red Drink Powder (more anti-oxidants).

4) For dinner, a bowl of dal or soup

5) Samyama on the Vishuddhi through the day, each time I remembered.

The Cognitive Shift & Experience:
We are supposed to eat for Energy, but instead we eat for anything but that. We eat because it is time to eat, we eat because that is the only time we allow ourselves to "rest", we eat for entertainment, we eat unconsciously, stuffing ourselves while watching tv, reading a book or chatting with someone else.

And we think we are hungry when our stomach is not full. Not when we need Energy - but when our stomach is not full. A liquid diet gets you to experience what it feels like when the stomach is light, not stuffed and churning with food 24 hours a day!

Anytime I "thought" I was hungry - it was usually because there is a rumble in my stomach, some gurgling. Instead of heading to the fridge, I just noticed what was happening and shortly, that "thought" of hunger went away. Each time, I shifted my awareness from my stomach to the vishuddhi - throat center - where the thyroid, the body's energy source sits. Awareness on the thyroid stimulates it to produce more of whatever thyroids produce, generating energy and sending that signal to the rest of the body. Result - energy levels were high throughout the day, I was working, running around, busy with life. And losing weight :)

A few times I was in social situations where I had to have "have lunch". I put some fresh salads or veggies on my plate, ate small portions - but chewed each bite - liquified it and then swallowed. No one noticed, I enjoyed each bite and went on with my day!

Highly recommend everyone try it - whats to lose? !

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