Jun 15, 2011

More on Liquid Diet

Bhakta Swami's Tips on Liquid Diet for Cleansing and Weight-loss

1) Do Drink or Gulp, Don't Chew or Lick food
There are 4 ways to consume food - Chewing, Gulping, Drinking, Licking.
Avoid Chewing and Licking. Drink anything and Gulp if you need to, for example to take a vitamin pill.

2) Do Drink clear Liquids - vegetables, leaves or fruit
Clear liquids help cleanse the intestine, which is normally lined with mucus and old food, a haven for parasites, infections, and toxic chemical deposits.
Drink as much of and any combination of vegetables, leaves and fruit, but too much fruit will not help with weight loss.

  • Cantalopue juice is the most healthy and tasty drink - juice with the yellow hard skin included.
  • Watermeon juice is great - just shave the green hard skin on top, and let the white all be there, seeds and all, include them, just juice them.
  • A warm Soup is ideal at mid-day.
  • Avoid Dairy - it increases mucus production.

3) Detox Routine - (toxins start to collect on the tongue in the 2nd week)

  1. Oil pulling - first thing in the morning, with 5ml seseme oil for 10 mins. 
  2. Neem juice as soon as you wake up. Boil the neem bark in the water, for 30 minutes the night before until the water is dark. Drink a cup of juice, warm or cold in the morning.
  3. Workout to remove more toxins - Suryanamaskars, stretching, skiping, jumping jacks, a good walk, eliptical machine, tread mill, crunches, pushups, pull ups , dumbels. More cardio than weight, as muscle will be slightly weaker and susceptible to burning.
  4. Clear vegetable juice - 1 liter morning and night, drink within minutes of juicing to get the maximum benefit of enzymes that get depleted in minutes. Chop and juice 4 stalks of celery, 1/2 lb red cabbage, hand full of cut spinach, one squash, 1 bell pepper of any two colors, 2 cucumbers, and optionally 2 or 3 carrots and 2 or 3 tomatoes to sweeten it and 1 orange or apple for taste. If you are mentally strong, add beet root and stronger leaves. Just wash them nicely with water and finally rinse with very nice drinking water. - stomach gets more senitive and you should wash off all the pesticides and other chemicals, wax etc before you juice them. 
  5. Vegetable soup - Use the pulp from the juicer, simmer on low for 3 hours with 4 times water to pulp. Keep adding water as needed, do not add oil, spices, salt etc. For cleansing strain and drink the clear soup, otherwise just have it all. Sit on the floor cross legged and drink the soup. Before you drink, add a tinge of rock salt, a tinge of iodised salt, a drop of extra virgin olive oil, and finally a twist of lemon, or lime.
  6. Fruit juice - a combination of canteloupe, watermelon, apple, orange, ( no banana, grapes, or any greasy fruits). Do not add water, or sugar. If you are not on a cleansing diet, after working out,  you can drink a glass of skimmed milk with some protein powder.
  7. Samyama to the moon - if the moon has not been out, just be prepared with body.

Apr 4, 2011


eN-Galleria - Life Bliss Galleria

“If you do anna dhan (giving food), you will satisfy a person's need for a few hours. If you do vidya dhan (giving education) you will help him earn food for himself for a lifetime. If you do gnana dhan (giving wisdom or knowledge of the Self) you will help the person see gains in more than one lifetime.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda

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Visit eN-Galleria today!

Siddhis and Beyond

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #144, Chapter 3, Verse 38

My notes:
Here Patanjali gives us the Science of Siddhis.
Body has basic infrastructure - bones, flesh, blood etc. With nutrition, exercise, yoga we can build the body and achieve extraordinary things eg heavy weight lifting, getting into the record books. Same way, Mind has basic infrastructure and can be prepared with samyamas to reach enlightenment.

Siddhis are extraordinary happenings that happen during samyama, when going from Mind to No Mind state.
Extraordinary happenings of the Presence happen when one is in the No Mind state.
There are 3 ways to get extraordinary powers - mani (technique), mantra (sound) and oushada (herbs and chemicals).
  • If you use only oushada and sleight of hand, it is ordinary magic. No mind is involved. This is entertainment, nothing wrong, no one is hurt.
  • If you use mostly oushada and some mantra, it is uchadana. The effect varies. If it is done rightly for wrong purpose or if it is done wrongly, without knowing side effects, for right purpose, it is black magic and there will be problems, you will destroy yourself and hurt others. Black magic is the result of abused mind. Siddhis are a result of used mind.
  • If you use just mani, techniques, you will get siddhis and this is white magic. You will not destroy anything, but you will get stuck, you will not reach enlightenment.
The sacred secret is that Patanjali is issuing a warning. Sit and analyse - do you really want only enlightenment or are you interested in worldly achievement also. How much of your mind is interested only in samadhi and enlightenment and how much in outer world accomplishments. If you are interested in outer world accomplishments, nothing wrong. All the samyamas given until now and all the powers are great achievements in the outer world, but obstacles in the samadhi state.

Understand the science and your purpose. Neither have fear nor greed towards siddhis - have clarity.

stateextraordinary powers expressedextraordinary happenings due to effects

leelahappenings of the presence in no mind state eg vibhooti. No mani, mantra or oushada is used. no side effects, does good to the person expressing powers and all who experience them

(white magic)
happenings when going from mind to no-mind state using mani (techniques eg samyama)does not destroy, but danger of getting stuck, obstacle to enlightenment.  Neither have fear nor greed for siddhis. Have clarity. Have intelligence to know when to do or not do.

(black magic)
some mantra (sounds), mostly oushada (herbs or chemicals)effect varies based on purpose. Destroys yourself and others when done in right way for wrong reasons or done in wrong way for right reasons.

(ordinary magic)oushada or sleight of hand, not using mindentertainment, nothing wrong

Samyama for Awakening your Supernatural Powers

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #143, Chapter 3, Verse 37
tatah pratibha sravana vedana adarsha
asvada varta jayante

Patanjali takes us one step deeper. He is giving us the technique to achieve extra ordinary powers like being able to see anything, taste anything, touch anything that existed at any space and time. It is almost like making you Ishwara. He is taking us to the last Siddhi. He is almost leading us to Enlightenment. Almost!

Ishwaratwa is a last step from where you can decide to be one with the cosmos and become enlightened. Its like a door step and disappear into Enlightenment, usually there is no danger of feeling down and become a bound being. Its like a non-return zone.

You dont need to be afraid of being in Ishwaratwa. Some are afraid of this extra ordinary happening and decide that the normal day to day life is better and there is no need for higher experiences. Same way, if you are greedy for Ishwaratwa, you wont fall into Enlightenment.

Then, what exactly should we be doing - practice everything and when Ishwaratwa comes, surrender everything to the cosmos. Taking it lightly is the right attitude. Neither fear nor greed should be maintained. If you are afraid of Ishwaratwa, you will be a bound being.

Sattvic Food

Sattvic comes from the sanskrit word “sat” which means true or pure.

Sattvic food is clean, fresh and wholesome food that promotes physical health and emotional well being. A sattvic diet keeps the mind clear and calm, improves the quality of meditation and helps us progress on our spiritual path.

Sattvic food is rich in prana, the life force in all living things. Sattvic food includes clean water, fresh, organic fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, grains, honey, milk and milk products – prepared in clean kitchens and good spirits, with love and awareness. Just like what we eat affects our bodies, our minds and our emotions, our thoughts and emotions in turn affect the food we cook and the food we eat.

Sattvic foods are easily digested and meals should be eaten slowly, in moderate portions, leaving us feeling calm and alert, not tired, lethargic or irate.

Foods that are not sattvic include meats, poultry, fish, eggs, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, stimulants like coffee and tea, fermented foods like vinegars, onions, garlic, mushrooms and green chillies. Also not sattvic are canned, frozen, processed and stale foods as well as fresh foods grown using pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, foods produced with hormones and irradiation and processed foods with chemical dyes and additives.

As Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda explains in his book “Open the door…let the breeze in”, sattvic foodcreates the perfect conditions for the brain to start producing alpha waves, which help in meditation.”

But swami-ji also says “don’t force vegetarianism on yourself, even if you are going to take up meditation…When your body is ready, it will drop the habit on its own.”

Apr 3, 2011

Liquid Diet

I have never been able to diet. As soon as I miss a meal, I get headaches. If I reduce my intake, in just a day or two I get a cold or flue. So I have never tried to diet but with eN-Weightloss and a liquid diet, I have lost 6lbs in 12 days!

I am so thrilled and feel so light! Full of energy, no headaches, no illness! So what did I do?

1) Neem juice first thing in the morning - dissolve 1 tsp Neem powder in some hot water, add some cold water to cool it, grimace and gulp it down.

2) Lemon honey "tea" - squeeze a fresh lemon, add hot water, add 1 tsp of organic, locally grown honey. Lemon has an alkalizing (more healthy) effect on the body.

3) At some point in the late morning or often around 1pm, a shake - blend a banana, whatever juice is in the fridge - apple or mango - along with a spoon of Trader Joe's Super Red Drink Powder (more anti-oxidants).

4) For dinner, a bowl of dal or soup

5) Samyama on the Vishuddhi through the day, each time I remembered.

The Cognitive Shift & Experience:
We are supposed to eat for Energy, but instead we eat for anything but that. We eat because it is time to eat, we eat because that is the only time we allow ourselves to "rest", we eat for entertainment, we eat unconsciously, stuffing ourselves while watching tv, reading a book or chatting with someone else.

And we think we are hungry when our stomach is not full. Not when we need Energy - but when our stomach is not full. A liquid diet gets you to experience what it feels like when the stomach is light, not stuffed and churning with food 24 hours a day!

Anytime I "thought" I was hungry - it was usually because there is a rumble in my stomach, some gurgling. Instead of heading to the fridge, I just noticed what was happening and shortly, that "thought" of hunger went away. Each time, I shifted my awareness from my stomach to the vishuddhi - throat center - where the thyroid, the body's energy source sits. Awareness on the thyroid stimulates it to produce more of whatever thyroids produce, generating energy and sending that signal to the rest of the body. Result - energy levels were high throughout the day, I was working, running around, busy with life. And losing weight :)

A few times I was in social situations where I had to have "have lunch". I put some fresh salads or veggies on my plate, ate small portions - but chewed each bite - liquified it and then swallowed. No one noticed, I enjoyed each bite and went on with my day!

Highly recommend everyone try it - whats to lose? !

Dals and Rasams

Recipes contributed by San Jose Nithyananda Vedic Temple Sangha
Black Eyed Peas Rasam
Channa Dal
Dal & Tomato Rasam
Kaddu Ka Dalcha

½ cup Black eyed peas, soaked for 6 hours
2 Tomatoes, chopped
4 cups Water
1 pinch Turmeric
Salt to taste

For Powder:
2 tsp Toor dal
2 tsp Channa dal
¼ tsp Black pepper corns
2 tsp Coriander seeds
2 Dry Red Chillies

2 tbsp Oil
1 tsp Mustard seeds
1 tsp Cumin seeds
2-3 Curry leaves
1 pinch Asafetida powder

1 tsp Coconut, dry grated
1 tbsp Cilantro, finely chopped

1) Pressure cook black eyed peas with 1 ½ cups water, then blend into a paste and set aside.
2) Cook tomatoes with water and turmeric.
3) Add mashed black eyed peas and salt.
4) Make a fine powder by roasting all the powder ingredients and then grinding them.
5) Add the powder to the beans and cook for 5 minutes.
6) Heat oil and fry seasonings until they splutter.
7) Garnish with coconut and cilantro.


1 cup Channa dal
¼ tsp Turmeric powder

2 tbsp Ghee
1 tsp Cumin seeds
½ tsp Black pepper, crushed
½ inch Ginger, chopped
2 Dry Red Chillies, chopped into 4-5 pieces
5-6 Curry leaves
1 tbsp Grated Coconut

¼ tsp Garam masala
Salt to taste

1) Wash and cook dal until it is tender.
2) Add turmeric powder.
3) Heat ghee and fry seasonings until coconut turns gold in color.
4) Pour seasonings over the dal.
5) Add garam masala, salt and mix well.
6) Boil for five minutes.

Serve with rice or chapattis.


¼ cup Toor dal
1 pinch Turmeric powder

1 tsp Oil
½ tsp Mustard seeds
½ tsp Cumin seeds
2 Dry Red Chillies, crushed to bits
½ tsp Black pepper, crushed
5-6 Curry leaves
1 pinch Asafetida powder

2 Tomatoes, chopped
2 tsp Tamarind paste
1 pinch Salt as needed

1 tbsp Cilantro, chopped

1) Wash the dal and cook in 1 ½ cup boiling water.
2) Add turmeric powder.
3) Heat oil and fry seasonings.
4) Add seasonings to the cooked dal.
5) Add tomatoes, tamarind paste and salt.
6) Add 2 cups water and boil well.
7) Remove from heat, then garnish with cilantro.


1 cup Channa dal, cooked
1 tbsp Tamarind paste
3 cups Pumpkin (kaddu), chopped
1 Large Tomato, chopped
1 tsp Jaggery
1 tsp Turmeric powder
1 tsp Red Chilli powder
Salt to taste

2 tbsp Oil
1 inch Cinnamon stick
5 Cloves
1 Bay leaf
5 tsp Black pepper corns
2 Dry Red Chillies
½ tsp Mustard seeds
½ tsp Cumin seeds
½ tsp Shahi Jeera
1 pinch Asafetida powder
¼ tsp Turmeric powder

2 tsp Cilantro, chopped

1) Grind channa dal into a paste.
2) Add tamarind paste and 2 glasses of water.
3) Add pumpkin, tomatoes, jaggery, turmeric, red chilli powder and salt, and then bring the dal to a boil.
4) Heat oil and fry seasonings until they splutter.
5) Add seasonings to the dal.
6) Garnish with cilantro


1 tbsp Oil
3 pinches Asafetida powder
2 Bay leaves

1 cup Whole lentils
1-2 Tomatoes, chopped
1 tsp Cinnamon powder
1 tsp Cumin powder
1 tsp Chilli powder
Salt to taste

1 handful Cilantro, chopped

1) Heat oil, add asafetida and bay leaves.
2) Add seasonings and mix well.
3) Add 3 cups water and pressure cook for 3-4 whistles.
4) Garnish with cilantro.

Samyama for Enlightenment

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #142, Chapter 3, Verse 36
sattva purushayoh atyanta sankirnayoh pratyayavishesho bhogah para arthat vat sva arthasanyamat purusha jnanam

Patanjali comes to one of the peak samyamas. Each day he was giving a technique and technology for experiencing the powers. Today hes giving the samyama to achieve enlightenment.
I will reveal the sacred secret on this sutra.

The Sacred secret in this sutra is when ever you go through any intense experience like joy or suffering or peace or silence or awareness, just turn your consciousness to who is going through this experience. Ramana Maharishi finishes this in one line-just look at who is going through the experience.

1st truth Patanjali is establishing - the joy (or any feeling you experience), the intellect which experiences the joy, and the pure consciousness and the stuff out of which joy is made, all four are independent things.

When I utter these theories if it clicks accept, if it doesnt, dont bother, you dont need to force yourself to believe it. Somebody may be able to click with the concept of God and not soul, and some may click with the concept of soul and not God but the concept itself is truth but it cant lead you to the truth unless you click with it.

It is the click, the connection, whether it is aptha pramana or sashtra pramana, only when it clicks its going to become atham pramana. Whether its the scripture or the words of the master, only if it clicks its going to become your experience. All 3 pramanas will become reality in your life only when you connect with it.

There are some people who experience all experiences in the head or face. Some go through all experiences only in the heart, some go through all in the stomach, for some the feeling is between the thighs.

Very beautifully the upanishad declares, it does not say if you are born to a sudra father you are a sudra. It only says if all your energy is centered around the thighs you are a sudra....

eN-Kriya for becoming a High Achiever

(Sunday Message)

If I have to give a basic qualification you need for living enlightenment, it will be a' high achiever.' Whether in body mind or soul, be a High Achiever. I dont mean by grabbing or looting others, be a high achiever in anything you do. If you are sweeping the floor, be a high achiever in that. Have tremendous curiosity to life.

Last week, during the ashram samyama, i decided to make some energy bead jewellery. When i picked up that, i decided to be a high achiever in that. There is no such thing as mundane and sacred. The juice of my life is the attitude of a high achiever.

Think extra-ordinarily so that you can be in a space of no thinking. Understand, no thinking does not happen to people who are in dullness. Thinking is a water, it has to disappear by becoming steam not ice. Always ordinary people think thinking should disappear by becoming dull. No it has to disappear by extraordinary thinking. Awaken all dimensions of your life.

What stops you from living fully, I can say the simple reason is nothing but simple laziness. What for, you sold your life to your boss. Dont be foolish, your life is not just a bargain. Your life is not given to your boss, dont you understand the foolishness in which you are caught.

Just because your boss gives you ten thousand rupees, you stop your life by limiting your work. Do your duty, dont expect result. This statement is usually misinterpreted. Work intensely but understand what ever money comes is just for basic things.

Money is like one system, one fuel, but unfortunately if you are stuck with that one fuel and trade your whole life, you are a fool. So dont stop delivering, dont stop thinking extra ordinarily, dont snub, dont abuse your creativity and your intense energy expressing, by your bargaining with the people who dont pay you more. This is one of the important mental set up to create wealth.

Understand what you deliver to the world is not what you get in return from the world. In return what you get is very little. But just because of this, dont create hatred to the people who give back, Im talking in all angles, boss giving salary, wife giving love.

You are not cheating your boss, you are curtailing and abusing your expression. If you have hatred for your spouse,because of that you are curtailing your energy flow. Anywhere you create hatred to the paying back mechanism (anything you receive from society, outside towards you) finally you are going to destroy yourself. You are going to abuse yourself.

I'm telling in my life, not only have many people not given back, they even started negative campaigns against me. It did not stop my creativity, my expression has become even more intense, because i have learnt an important lesson, do not equate what you receive and what you give. If you are equating, you are going to destroy your expression.

Any ordinary man in my place would have shut shop and gone to Himalayas or closed himself in.

So understand the secret lesson from the young age, your creativity, productivity, offering to the universe can in no way be equated to what you get back. Unfortunately if you develop a hatred to what comes back, you stop living.

When you have too much expectation and anger even towards God, you stop flowing.

Yesterday i received an email from one of Oshos desciples asking me to bless some people, cos some of the ex osho desciples are promoting that there should not be gratitude or gesture of love towards Osho.

The Indian mental setup is built on guru bhakthi and devotion. so they sent a mail to me, requesting that I should speak about it in my satsang, I should say my opinion, I want all the Osho desciples who are listening-Gratitude, devotion is a strong straight path to enlightenment. Dont listen to these intellectual people and miss your master with whom you had a click. Devotion, gratitude is a strong path. Dont get caught with those who are trying to sell Osho.

When you have hatred even to Guru or God and a feeling that you are not getting something in return, you stop flowing. The intellectual idiots who cant flow, who dont know the taste of flowing, dont know that this very flowing is life. Its like a born blind fellow wont know what he is missing.

Devotion even towards your boss, I’m not using the word obedience or respect, even if he pays very little and sucks your blood, these words are what you created in life, don’t allow that, have devotion to your work, workplace. Dont calculate, Explode in creativity and break into life, dont hold on and snub yourself, and curtail your overflow of intelligence.

Decide, next one year I’m going to work with the attitude of non-profit. Explode in creativity. In emotion and love to all the people around me, I’m not going to wait for reciprocation. In every attitude of life, decide Im going to be non-profit. It means dont make all your actions based on the return, dont have the mental set up of constantly calculating.

One guy picks up a girl late night and drives into deep woods, everything happens she says ‘hundred dollars, this is my profession.’ This guy says alright, give me hundred dollars, Im a taxi driver, I’ll drop you back!” Look in your life also, many guys are taxi drivers and .....!

We are running our life in this manner. you will see you are living fully and intensely. Deliver, deliver, achieve, achieve, nothing wrong if your salary is less, the ability to breathe fully will happen in you.

Nasuredeen goes to the market and quotes 100 coins for his donkey. One person said why are you charging so less. He said you have to call him very strongly, only then he will respond. The buyer says alright and pays him. He shouts at the donkey as much as he could but the donkey never responds. He came back complaining to Nasuredeen. Nasuredeen gave 5 blows with a rod and then called and the donkey turned, he said this is what I call by strong calling!

You learn to explode in your life. You learn not to curtail your enthusiasm, you learn not to snub the bud, the bud becomes a bird, you will awaken to levels you have not thought.

Living enlightenment does not happen to lazy donkeys, it happens only to high achievers, only to Vivekananda, you cant complete even reading all the things he has written and spoken, in the 9 years of his public life.
Only 9 years he lived in public, Shankara, high achiever, all great masters are high achievers.

Awakening your kundalini is a direct method to be a high achiever, plane of creating wealth or love or spiritual fulfillment, awakening your kundalini energy makes you a high achiever.

If I have to give a vision statement of my whole campus, its making people high achievers, by giving understanding, inspiration, curiosity or by pressure! Every possible available means are used to make people high achievers-greed, fear worry, jealousy, discontentment, all are used to make people high achievers. A high achiever never suffers with all this.

Be a high achiever in the inner space, you will be so graceful to the whole world. Unless you are a high achiever, you will not be graceful. Only a High Achiever can be free of worry, be a charismatic juicy guy, contribute to people’s life, you will have attention.

Understand, when you contribute to peoples’ lives, the attention you will receive will be creative and permanent to you. Understand, any attention you receive by contributing to peoples’ lives will be permanent and useful but abusing it will not be useful or permanent.

So many people tried to create and project a villain out of me. Still I continue to sit on a golden throne, simple reason is i have decided to go on creating and contributing.

You made the mood of trading as a shell around your world, become a butterfly, break that shell and fly. Awakening your Kundalini will make you a High Achiever. enkriya is a direct process to awaken your Kundalin Shakthi.

Apr 1, 2011

eN-Wealth eNergy Beads

Jade - Opens the anahata chakra or heart center which is blocked by our need for love, approval and external acknowledgement. Anahata means "that which cannot be created" because Real Love cannot be created. When this chakra is opened, Real Love and compassion simply flowers and radiates, enabling entrepreneurs to build strong relationships, attract Good Friends who help bring Good Fortune.

Citrine - Opens the manipuraka chakra or navel center which is blocked by worry and stress. When this chakra is opened, all the energy that was dissipated by stress is now available to fulfilling your true desires. This stone attracts Abundance and Success and gives you the intelligence needed to hold onto Wealth.

Tiger's Eye - Powerfully grounding stone that dispels fear and gives you Courage to make life changes. It develops focus, patience and deliberate action essential to Success.

Sunsitara  – Opens the swadishtana chakra or spleen center which is blocked by fear. Also called Goldstone, this orange-brown or copper colored stone attracts Wealth by redirecting energy dissipated by fear to being in the moment and living life to the fullest with strength, courage and Confidence.

Red Aventurine – Opens the muladhara chakra or root center which is blocked by seeing things as we want them to be rather than how they truly are. Accepting and appreciating reality encourages creativity and enables you to see new Opportunities.

Red Garnet – Powerfully grounding stone that balances male and female energies. Increases strength and vitality and attracts Fame and Fortune, making this a great for business execs.
eNergy Bead jewelry energized by enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda is available here.

Samyama on Ananda Gandha for Art of Mind Reading

Patanjali Yoga Sutra #141, Chapter 3, Verse 35
hrdaye chitta sanvit

Jiva, Ishwara, Jagath - Self, god and world. All 3 are made of the same stuff. How you respond to all three will always be the same. If you are confused about self, you will be confused about eshwara. If you are confused about one, you will be confused about others.

If you have visual understanding of your self, you will be able to see Ishwara (God) visually. If you have only verbalization inside, you will see Ishwara only verbally and about the world also you will have only verbal knowledge.

You need to know your mind, how it is cheating you. If you know how your mind is cheating you, your anger will be directed in the right direction and not in the whole.

Life is death and it constantly demotivates you. Kaala (Time) crosses your body and says, come on die. Life is death, nothing will motivate you except your inner source. Dont expect to be pampered. Death is standing in front of you every moment.

Only your inner space can motivate you. Life is not for those who expect it will motivate you. It is the source from which you need to open up and express the energy. Only then real motivation happens.

The connection you have with you is the basic unit. Your idea about you is going to be the basic unit with which all your transactions with God and the world are going to happen. Patanjali gives the technique to study your inner being. Create the understanding and connection by deeply studying your self.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #141, Chapter 3, Verse 35
hrdaye chitta sanvit

Patanjali is taking us to the Omega-ultimate point. When you do Samyama on the Anandha Gandha, the stuff out of which you are made, you will settle into the no mind space and the stuff others are made will be revealed to you.

The Anandha Gandha is below the Anahatha chakra.When you bring your awareness below the Anahatha, you will get sucked at a point, that is the Anandah gandha.

Bring your awareness just below the anahatha. See how every thought is happening in you, the stuff from which the mind, ideas and the I come up, that stuff is Ananda Gandha.

Mar 30, 2011


"Freedom is freedom for and freedom from future. 
Freedom is like a flowing river, enjoy it. 
Jivan Mukthi is like being in a flowing river."
- Nithyananda

Bring Light to your Darkness


Patanjali is the junction point where Siddha & Vedantic tradition becomes alive. Patanjali who is from Tamilnadu, is the father of yoga and one of the greatest incarnation in planet earth. 1/4th of America follows some form of yoga.

Freedom is freedom for and freedom from future.
Freedom is like a flowing river, enjoy it.
Jivan Mukthi is like being in a flowing river.

Energy brings intelligence.
If you are intelligent, you have more energy, its like a virtuous cycle.
When ignorance disappears, the union of matter & consciousness does not happen & you know you are pure.
When there is no union, there is no matter, its energy.
You drown yourself in a space where oneness is a living reality.

Take any thought to its logical end and you will fall into the unified field. Not doing strategic planning based on incomplete thoughts or logic will lead you to enlightenment, success and peace both in the outer and inner world.

Destination is always Restful Awareness


Beware of ignorance is an intelligence,
Being aware of ignorance is a technique.
Both need to be experienced.

Intellectual perversion is ignorance.
Any idea that works in you & creates restful awareness is knowledge-spiritual truth.

Any idea that creates violence, anger & unsettled end is intellectual perversion or ignorance.

Any intellectual process which you started in you, which is not completed, is ignorance.

Ignorance is so dangerous & letting ignorant people in your space is more dangerous. Not taking your logical thinking to its logical conclusion, to the end is dangerous.

What ever thinking process I have started in my life, I have taken it to its fulfillment-liberated from Prarabta.

Always the end should be restful awareness. If there is no Restful Awareness, you are stuck. Destination is always Restful Awareness.

Life is simple management if you know the strategy to reach any thought to its logical consciousness. Stuck thoughts are like an aborted child.

Ignorance is the root cause of suffering. Any thought you start is your child-see that it grows . Cherish it, nourish it and prepare to take it to its logical conclusion and become a mature adult or stop the conceiving process by UNCLUTCHING. If you have already conceived, see that its cherished, nourished and matured. Dont have mentally retarded kids.

Bhakti - ability to see beyond this Illusion


Breeze is the song of the air,
Wave is the song of the ocean,
Flower is the song of the plant,
Fruit is the song of the tree,
Light is the song of the sun,
Life is the song of the consciousness,
Creativity is the song of the man,
Bhakthi is the song of God himself!

The best things each one can present to the cosmos – the air can present breeze, plant can present flower to the world, tree can present fruit to the world, best thing the ocean can present to us is waves, best thing human beings can give to cosmos is creativity and the best thing that God can give to world is Bhakthi.

Bhakthi is even beyond enlightenment. With bhakthi anything you have or not does not matter. Without bhakthi anything you have or not does not matter! Both ways anything you have or not does not matter.

Ashtavakra was a great master says whatever you experience as reality is illusion – he goes on describing from his experience. Now these scientists have proved it very clearly how whatever you call as reality, you experience only in the parietal lobe of the brain.

Understanding that whatever you call as reality is experienced in the parietal lobe and is just an illusion and ability to feel something beyond this illusion and ability to merge with it, relax into something beyond this illusion is Bhakthi. I am defining Bhakthi.

Bhakthi is where you see, whatever is seen and experienced including your body as illusion and ability to see beyond this illusion, resting into something which is beyond this illusion. This is bhakthi. Means, how many times you remember and you know that you are going to die whatever you are creating is going to be left behind, how many times you know it, but there is something inside you that gives you a strong courage, gut feeling – I am going to exist, I am going to be there, I am, I am eternal. There is something in all of us which is responsible to making us forget about our death. About our impermanence. About our non-existence. That streak, that line, that part which is in you – that part which reflects in you becomes alive becomes more in you when you start understanding this whatever you call as reality is illusion.

Please understand, if you think this is reality that part which gives you courage that you are reality looks like illusion, if you empower that more this will look like illusion. In the books describing meditation techniques, especially techniques for advaitic vedantic experiences, they are like – feel that from the behind of what you are seeing, there is a huge screen. Whatever you are seeing the whole thing is a moving movie.

Just visualize you are sitting in an Imax theatre. From the back of you there is a huge screen. And whatever you are seeing, experiencing, is running from that screen. In vedantic tradition, they say 3 days if you do this technique your liver will be completely healed. Your liver contains all your duplicate pseudo intellectual engrams in it. I used to wonder why such a description for this. The funny thing is this example is described in the vedic tradition when there was no movie and screen.

There are Sacred Sentiments we are not able to grasp but, it is. Same way, there is this illusion beyond reality we are not able to grasp now but it is – it exists. The person who is able to feel it is and able to rest in that truth, the ability to rest in that truth is Bhakthi. The trust that it exists is Vitarka. Bhakthi is song of the God and the greatest thing that God can contribute to the cosmos. If you have that, that is ultimate. Don’t bother towards whom you have. Even if you have to a small stone its ok.

So understand, with anything, if you feel beyond this screen there is a reality and have the ability to relax into it, you have Bhakthi. And the ultimate song God can sing, he is singing in your life!

Kirtan - Dance your way to Divinity


Today’s discourse was the last in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s series on the Sacred Sentiments. Swamiji says-If you are walking, you are not walking to divinity. If you are walking you are just dragging your body. Walking is always just towards the graveyard. If you are dancing it is always to divinity.

He was clear, this was not dancing while using drugs or alcohol. Ramakrishna said very beautifully, “When there are a lot of birds on a tree, if you clap your hands standing below the tree, all the birds fly away. Same way if you are clapping your hands and dancing all the karmas in your heart will fly away.”

The load you carry in the heart, if you sing and dance, and worship all the load and karmas in your heart will just run away. This is what makes Kirtan, a form of devotional singing, an important technique for Enlightenment. He went on to read a passage Narada wrote about the different expressions of devotion:
“Hearing about him, singing his praise, remembering him always, attending on him, taking care of him, worshipping him, saluting him, practicing the attitude of servitude to him, devotion, loving intimacy with him and surrendering oneself to him.”

Swamiji was so moved by the passage, he said, “Oh, God. I think he’s given a complete, comprehensive description of devotion, or tried to.”

He went on to explain that none of these is a technique, whereas kirtan is a technique. By singing and dancing while holding the thought of the Divine, you lock it into your bio memory. Kirtan makes your being light. Carry a light being, and nothing can touch you. He stressed that he was defining character.

Character means carrying a light being, nothing else is character. Carrying a light being is liberation. Only a person who is carrying a light being will be able to sing and dance. Plus, whenever you can, listen to divine music. The process he recommended is for everyone to spend half hour a day, 3 to 4 times a week, not a rigid routine, whenever you can sing and dance, your whole being will be a light being. You will not be the soil where the negativity breeds. A brooding mind is soil for negativity.

Swamiji remembered his years on the road as a seeker. He remembers going for hours just singing and dancing and walking for hours and the ecstasy level and bhakti was created and stable. For days and months the experience stays in the system, it is unimaginable; you don’t need anything from the outer world. If you just got a taste of this ecstasy. Not only does it create waves of devotion in you, the nervous system is so strong, it stays in your bio memory.

Samyama for Spontaneous Enlightenment

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #140,Chapter 3,Verse 34
prātibhād-vā sarvam

(You create your identity based on what people think of you - other people's opinion on who you are.
Their thoughts of your identity is a lie and your thought of your identity is a lie - neither exists.

Samyama for Spontaneous Enlightenment:
Hang a mirror on your chest. Feel you are the mirror and everything is mirroring in you constantly.
Every thought, every action, any idea is a reflection on your mirror of a lie.
Just see that you are a pure mirror, mirroring all the fun, chaos, fear, greed, whatever is happening. You are just mirroring. You are the mirror - not the reflection in the mirror...

Reminds me of Guaranteed Solutions - discourse on Anahana chakra - how we collect certificates - labels - and build a house of cards. Our identity is based on the labels on the package that is us, on the house of cards we build. But we are not the labels, we are not the house of cards...

Or - we are the sky, not the clouds...! )

Patanjali was beautifully guiding the seeker. He was not talking, he was taking. He has spoken about all the energy centers up to the Sahasrara. Now he is giving the whole thing.

Pratiba literally translates as mirorring. Let me explain what exactly Patanjali means by the word ‘mirroring.’ First thing understand, there is no ‘you’ in ‘you.’

Whatever you understand or experience or feel as you in you is just somebody’s reflection in you. Somebody’s reflection in you, if it stays there for a long time, you believe it is you and you are possessed by that identity.

Your mother is reflecting on you for a long time, your father is reflecting on you, the society is reflecting on you. Suddenly you feel chaos – so many things are reflecting on you. You also want to mirror and reflect yourself on others. Seeing your reflection on other mirrors is power.

Any identity you carry is just a reflection on you...

Mar 29, 2011


A deep sitting in a receptive mood, gives you the experience of
Nirodha Parinamah - the space between thoughts.

Now I'm saying that sitting again and again with the master in that same space
makes you established in that thoughtless space. Cloudless sky." - Nithyananda

"To Dissolve...

“From Words into Wordlessness

From Time into Timelessness

From Matter into Energy…

This is to experience the Divine.”

- Nithyananda

Samyama on the Masters

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #139,Chapter 3,Verse 33
murdha jyotishi siddha darshanam

(Samyama on the Master:
Wrap a Rudraksha Mala around the crown of your head, to help you visualize the crown.
Now visualize a lazer like beam of light radiating from the crown up past the sky...
Connect to the Master for 21 mins each day for 11 days.
You will hear from the Master....

Works for any Master in the body and who has left the body. 
Some like Paramahamsa Ramkrisha, Mahaavatar Babaji, Shirdi Saibaba and others are always available to take your call!)

This is an extra ordinary Samyama. Patanjali directly gives the celphone no. and video conference facility of all the masters who lived in Planet Earth. All masters who happened in the cosmos and the planet earth, hes giving a technology to relate to them.

Siddha master is a person who doesnt have a perishable identity and because of it he has an eternal identity. Understand his identity is made out of material which is imperishable. There is no perishable component in the identity he created for himself!

When the breeze flows over the water, the shapes & drawings created on the water can be compared to the form you experience about the masters.

Please understand, there is a huge water body, breeze flows over the water body, small waves are happening, or some drawings or figures appear on the water. In that figure there is no perishable component. The figure, the source, cause effect everything is just water. When the breeze flows again the same wave will happen. When the breeze stops the wave will settle down into the water.

Same way whenever you have a strong devoted samyama it is the breeze, water is pure consciousness. Whenever a strong devoted samyama happens over a pure conscious water, masters form appears, graces, blesses you and disappears. There is no perishable component in the system and because there is no perishable component, it is eternal identity!

A master is a being happening without a perishable component. He is a beautiful rhythmic component, pure, non perishable happening in the source. that is the reason why Siddhas happened on Planet Earth are all available for any body to connect with.

Please understand, any action you do just based on the physical body will leave its wave and the archive in physical layer. All your physical actions get gathered and archived in the physical layer of the cosmos. Even a small act you do like simple eating gets recorded in the file in the physical cosmic archives. Same way any small though that crosses your mind gets recorded in your mental layer as a file & stored in the cosmic archives. Anything happened from the beginning in all 7 layers in all beings is available alive. Understand 3000 yrs before when you were in pig, buffalo, elephant or dinosaur body what you thought on a particular day or moment can be retrieved without any corruption or mis-management or alteration. Whole thing is available. If the action which you did is performed from the 1st layer, it will be available in 1st layer, 2nd layer – 2nd layer file, 3rd layer – 3rd layer file.

Your first layer has trillions of perishable items dumped. 2nd layer has billions, 3rd layer millions, 4th layer lakhs, 5th layer 1000s, 6th and 7th layer, few hundreds. Very rarely people function from the 6th & 7th layer. 6th layer is Siddhas and 7th layer is Masters. When you function from 6th and 7th layer, you dont have any perishable components in your identity, goal, in what you call as you, because it is purity created on purity by purity, sudha satva sarira. When this happens, it is available eternally. These masters who operated are always available for 911 or 108 calls. You just need to know the technology to connect to them and relate to them.

Mar 28, 2011

Chakra eNergy Beads

(Crown Center)
White - Crystal - Clear Quartz (Spatika), Diamond
Violet - Amethyst
Element - Enlightenment

KNOWING - Merging with Existence
(3rd Eye Center)
Indigo - Lapis, Sodalite, Sugilite
Element - Ether
SEEING - Intuition
(Throat Center)
Turquoise, Aquamarine
Blue - Tourmaline, Topaz, Goldstone
Element - Mind
SAYING - Communication, Creativity
(Heart Center)
Green - Jade, Aventurine, Tourmaline
Pink - Jade, Tourmaline, Ruby
Rose Quartz
Element - Air
LOVING - Compassion
(Navel Center)
Tigers Eye, Citrine, Amber
Yellow Topaz, Sapphire, Jasper
Element - Fire
DOING - Abundance
(Spleen Center)
Orange - Carnelian, Goldstone
Element - Water
FEELING - Confidence
(Root Center)
Red - Garnet, Coral, Ruby
Black - Onyx, Obsidian, Tourmaline
Smoky Quartz
Element - Earth
HAVING - Security

eNergy Bead jewelry energized by enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda is available here.

Tulsi for Protection

In the ancient wisdom texts from India, Tulsi is glorified as the one who helps bring people closer to the Devine. Ancient tradition and the mystics who practiced Tulsi’s teachings enthusiastically encouraged people from far and wide to wear Tulsi beads because they believed being close to the Tulsi tree bestows not just physical and spiritual healing properties, but high transcendental insights.

Tulsi wood is more powerful than any gem for protecting one from negative influences. Whenever Tulsi is present, Tulsi keeps the surroundings pure, peaceful and harmonious. Tulsi is used for worshiping Ram, Krishna and Vishnu who is said to be the creator and beloved of the Tulsi plant.

Tulsi is also used for Samyama on Koorma Nadi, for balancing your body and instilling great power.

Tulsi eNergy beads - energized by enlightened master Parmahamsa Nithyananda can be found here.

Green Jade

Jade BALANCES and brings HARMONY

  • Attracts good friends and good fortune
  • Instills spirit of generosity and compassion
  • Balances the upper and lower chakras, spiritual and physical worlds
  • Used in Samyama on Koorma Nadi, gives strength and stability
Strong Protection
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Wards against negative energy
  • Reduces influence of societal pressure
  • Releases grudges and encourages forgiveness
  • Resolves heart and blood pressure problems
  • Aids those with asthma and allergies
Jade is great for children and is used for Samyama on the Koorma Nadi used for balancing your body and instilling strength and stability.

Jade eNergy beads - energized by enlightened master Parmahamsa Nithyananda can be found here.

Crystal (Spatika) for Clarity

Crystal, an Energy Powerhouse, gives ENERGY & CLARITY:

  • Heals deep wounds from a neglectful or abusive childhood
  • Unblocks, activates and balances ALL the chakras
  • Transforms negative energy into positivity
  • Amplifies positive energy and power of mantras and other stones
  • Doubles the aura (proven by Kirlian photography)
  • Increases clarity, receptivity to existence
  • Awakens the swadishtana chakra and is used in Samyama on Moon, to help you know how the stars influence your Life
  • Deepens meditation, merging into existence

Great for seekers and students.

Crystal eNergy beads - energized by enlightened master Parmahamsa Nithyananda can be found here.

Koorma Nadi - Balance your Body

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #138,Chapter 3,Verse 32
Koorma naadyaam sthairyam

(Koorma Nadi is above the anahata chakra and below the vishuddhi chakra. A nadi is a subtle energy center, more subtle than a chakra. Anandha gandha is also a nadi more than a chakra.

Do Samyama - put intense awareness to the Koorma Nadi and experience power. 
This will be very successful for people who never levitate. Your bio memory is set up for this samyama.
Nobody will be able to move you and you will experience such strong stability and power. 
You will experience deepest possible space in the higher consciousness.

Dark green Jade and Tulsi beads can be used to enhance this Samyama.)
Dark Green Jade - eNergized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda - buy here.

Today we are going to enter into a completely different samyama – no movement! I can say this is the most difficult samyama, most powerful samyama than jumping around, hopping around all over the world.

By nature your body & mind moves. But consciousness is always achala – does not move – it is established in the stability. So your body & mind falling in tune with the achala is more difficult and more important, more powerful for your enlightenment than movements.

Understand korma naadi is in your system just below the throat almost little above the heart centre. It is not anahata chakra little above the anahata chakra – the korma naadi. The entrance for korma naadi is in both hands. This is the controlling point of the korma naadi. But the source of the korma naadi itself is like a tortoise shape tube inside, there is no shape anatomically, just below the vishuddhi above the anahatha chakra.

Just like ananda gandha, same way below vishuddhi and above anahata. Ananda gandha is also a naadi. Naadi is more subtle than chakra. It is easy to do samyama on chakra. Samyama on naadi is very difficult. You need to be visualizing and need to do intense samyama on it.

Force is different. Power is different. Through levitation, you experience force. Through this samyama you will experience power. Nobody will be able to move you. Your body will be so strong and stable. This is another kind of siddhi.

Hanuman had this siddhi. Meenakshi had this when she had the darshan of chokkanaadhar (Shiva). Meenakshi’s story says she had a third breast when she was born out of fire. Father & mother were worried. They asked Shiva. He said don’t worry, when she sees her husband to be, it will disappear.

She was experiencing force. She can destroy anything. But one thing was lacking she was lacking power. Her enlightenment was not yet complete. Force moves, power makes you stable. When she gets darshan of Chokkanaadhar, Shiva, her korma naadi gets awakened and she experiences power and stability happens in her. Then enlightenment happened in her. And she decides to stop fighting. The moment her korma naadi got awakened, she realized the power of her stability.

Shiva himself is an achala – immovable. I can tell you I myself live in this siddhi only. I can sit easily 10 hours without moving the body. I don’t need to move the body at all or adjust. Shiva is so stable, powerful. Just by his stability he expresses his power. Naturally by his nayana deeksha, the korma naadi of Meenakshi is awakened. Then she experiences intense power of stability. She becomes enlightenment.

The other dimension was added to her life and she becomes enlightened. Then shiva marries Parvathi – Meenakshi. Hanuman had this siddhi. Once he was sitting. Bheema was travelling and he came to Hanuman who was sitting on his path. Bheema said please move, don’t sit on the path. Hanuman said I am an old monkey, you only move my body. Bheema tried his best and he could not move even Hanuman’s tail!

It is a very powerful samyama. I can tell you directly it will work on you in one samyama. From today, I am going to give you a series of samyamas. Every day one sacred secret on each samyama I will give. Every day we will complete one samyama with very clean straight instructions about the samyama and making you do it.

From today it will be samyama series and Patanjali is taking us into deeper & deeper layers of samyama. Today’s samyama you will see that the body will not move. All people who never levitate, will now experience this samyama. This will be very successful for people who never levitate. Your bio memory is set up for this samyama.

Nobody will be able to move you and you will experience such strong stability and power. You will experience deepest possible space in the higher consciousness.