Mar 28, 2011

Koorma Nadi - Balance your Body

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #138,Chapter 3,Verse 32
Koorma naadyaam sthairyam

(Koorma Nadi is above the anahata chakra and below the vishuddhi chakra. A nadi is a subtle energy center, more subtle than a chakra. Anandha gandha is also a nadi more than a chakra.

Do Samyama - put intense awareness to the Koorma Nadi and experience power. 
This will be very successful for people who never levitate. Your bio memory is set up for this samyama.
Nobody will be able to move you and you will experience such strong stability and power. 
You will experience deepest possible space in the higher consciousness.

Dark green Jade and Tulsi beads can be used to enhance this Samyama.)
Dark Green Jade - eNergized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda - buy here.

Today we are going to enter into a completely different samyama – no movement! I can say this is the most difficult samyama, most powerful samyama than jumping around, hopping around all over the world.

By nature your body & mind moves. But consciousness is always achala – does not move – it is established in the stability. So your body & mind falling in tune with the achala is more difficult and more important, more powerful for your enlightenment than movements.

Understand korma naadi is in your system just below the throat almost little above the heart centre. It is not anahata chakra little above the anahata chakra – the korma naadi. The entrance for korma naadi is in both hands. This is the controlling point of the korma naadi. But the source of the korma naadi itself is like a tortoise shape tube inside, there is no shape anatomically, just below the vishuddhi above the anahatha chakra.

Just like ananda gandha, same way below vishuddhi and above anahata. Ananda gandha is also a naadi. Naadi is more subtle than chakra. It is easy to do samyama on chakra. Samyama on naadi is very difficult. You need to be visualizing and need to do intense samyama on it.

Force is different. Power is different. Through levitation, you experience force. Through this samyama you will experience power. Nobody will be able to move you. Your body will be so strong and stable. This is another kind of siddhi.

Hanuman had this siddhi. Meenakshi had this when she had the darshan of chokkanaadhar (Shiva). Meenakshi’s story says she had a third breast when she was born out of fire. Father & mother were worried. They asked Shiva. He said don’t worry, when she sees her husband to be, it will disappear.

She was experiencing force. She can destroy anything. But one thing was lacking she was lacking power. Her enlightenment was not yet complete. Force moves, power makes you stable. When she gets darshan of Chokkanaadhar, Shiva, her korma naadi gets awakened and she experiences power and stability happens in her. Then enlightenment happened in her. And she decides to stop fighting. The moment her korma naadi got awakened, she realized the power of her stability.

Shiva himself is an achala – immovable. I can tell you I myself live in this siddhi only. I can sit easily 10 hours without moving the body. I don’t need to move the body at all or adjust. Shiva is so stable, powerful. Just by his stability he expresses his power. Naturally by his nayana deeksha, the korma naadi of Meenakshi is awakened. Then she experiences intense power of stability. She becomes enlightenment.

The other dimension was added to her life and she becomes enlightened. Then shiva marries Parvathi – Meenakshi. Hanuman had this siddhi. Once he was sitting. Bheema was travelling and he came to Hanuman who was sitting on his path. Bheema said please move, don’t sit on the path. Hanuman said I am an old monkey, you only move my body. Bheema tried his best and he could not move even Hanuman’s tail!

It is a very powerful samyama. I can tell you directly it will work on you in one samyama. From today, I am going to give you a series of samyamas. Every day one sacred secret on each samyama I will give. Every day we will complete one samyama with very clean straight instructions about the samyama and making you do it.

From today it will be samyama series and Patanjali is taking us into deeper & deeper layers of samyama. Today’s samyama you will see that the body will not move. All people who never levitate, will now experience this samyama. This will be very successful for people who never levitate. Your bio memory is set up for this samyama.

Nobody will be able to move you and you will experience such strong stability and power. You will experience deepest possible space in the higher consciousness.

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