Mar 26, 2011

en-Weight Loss

23,24,25,26 MAR 2011 eN-WEIGHT LOSS
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Sutra 137,Chapter 3,Verse 31
kantha kupe kshutpipasa nivrittih
Transcripts thanks to nithyananda family - (with notes to myself...)

(Having belly is Sin!
Drink Neem juice every morning. Go on a Liquid Diet.
Do samyama on the Throat for 21 minutes - hunger and thirst will disappear:
  • Visualize intense fire – sun in the throat chakra. Look at Youtube videos.
  • Give a strong instruction. Please balance yourself. Please become alive. Please express your intelligence.
  • Wear a rudraksha with sandal wood mala or close neck mala with one rudraksha and sandal wood beads. 
  • Lie down, relax. )
Weight Loss is a huge billion dollar industry. I am going to talk about this one samyama for the next 7 days. I am going to create a thorough scientific vedic weight loss program. I will share different levels of understanding on weight loss.

what is over weight – being unaware of the closest object to your inner space. What is the closest to your inner space – your body! Living closest to that. I don’t understand how people live with big bellies. The moment I gather 1 kg more I get frightened! I don’t know, don’t they look down when they take bath?! If you don’t look down, people will look down on you!

When one inch grows, immediately you should get the fear and start doing something. It is almost like there is a tumor on your hand and you don’t bother at all! You don’t understand the extra stomach is also like a tumor, only difference is it does not give pain. But both normal tumor and extra stomach will kill you. I can say the big belly stills and kills.

Tumor immediately kills. Being unaware. I have seen some of them. It is not like they have this belly. The belly has them! There is a huge belly which has one or two hands and legs attached to it. They are a living example of everything having independent intelligence! I am not making fun, I am sorry for them.

The base from where I want people to start understanding is by
the nature of your intelligence, your body can directly produce whatever it wants from the pancha bhootas – the sky, the air, the sun rays (the fire representation), from the water, from walking on the ground. It can just imbibe directly.

You may need to support little with whatever grows in the earth like grains and vegetables. Otherwise your body is intelligent by itself. In the 5 bhootas you may need to supply only what is required for one bhoota element. But you supply for all 5 bhootas and become a bhoota yourself!

I want all my disciples to know – having belly is sin! I am not putting you in guilt. I am giving you the life solution. Having belly is sin – un attentiveness. Come on! It is your body. tell you body – what is going on?

I am making another one bold statement - big belly & spirituality do not stay together. You may say there were enlightened masters with big bellies. They got big belly after enlightenment. You too can have belly after enlightenment. They did not want to attend to the body after their enlightenment. Their body was there just as a center for people to connect with them. I relate to you with this body and you relate to me thru this body.

Don’t justify with a master’s body and plan for your body. A vedanti should be healthy and handsome, presentable!

Unfortunately, the veidic tradition has distanced itself from health. I can say the greatest important contribution by Buddhism to the planet earth is they never allowed their health and religion to be separated. But the veidic guys separated the religion & health.

The big belly is almost a symbol of priests & swamis because you don’t need to maintain. Dump everything that comes, almost like a temple dust bin! Everything that comes to temple that comes from the devotees goes in! then naturally how will you sit straight? Separation of the Yoga & Vedanta is the main cause of destruction of Hinduism.

Patanjali says do samyama on the throat center. All the feeling of hunger & thirst will disappear. I wanted to reveal the sacred secrets step by step, inch by inch, layer by layer from this sutra. 1st thing I wanted you to know – hunger & thirst is not from stomach, not from Manipuraka. It is from Vishuddhi.

Unfortunately, you have become so perverted. The moment you feel the heaviness is reducing in the stomach you think that is hunger. Understand, hunger & thirst are supposed to be the signal sent to your body saying that I am having less energy, please arrange for more energy.

But you are trained so badly that when the heaviness in the stomach reduces, means when the matter-mass sitting in your stomach reduces, immediately your body sends signals to send in more. 2 reasons – 1. Deep insecurity you have about food. 2. It has become a habit to hold, hold, hold.

if you don’t enjoy chewing in the mouth, you will enjoy the food when it is in your stomach during digestion which is dangerous. You become perverted and you start enjoying the food during the digestion. Then

1. The moment you feel the heaviness is less your body sends signals come on we need more, so send in more.
2. You always want your stomach to be full because you are enjoying it in the belly that is why you are not enjoying in your mouth.
If you are a taste based person, you will never have belly.

Do this from today – do not put the food into your body unless you feel hunger & thirst in the throat. Raghupati Yogi used to do this – he will ask people to fast for 11 days. He would change the habit of changing the wrong signals in your body. Understand, habit of sending wrong signals to your body & responding to it should be broken.

Whenever the hunger & thirst comes, just look in – it will not be from navel, It will be from the throat. If it is from navel your dust bin is little empty. Then your body is not asking for energy it is asking for junk. If you are feeling hungry and thirsty from throat, your body is asking for energy.

Yogis know from the beginning the energy center is the throat. The stomach is not the energy center. When your 1st layer energy is empty, your throat should send signal to you – I want food, I want water. If your stomach is sending signal to you, you are not empty with energy. You are empty because there is less load!

You don’t need any medicine for your body if you put the food after whatever has been put is digested and leaves the system. Whatever has been put is digested and leaves the system through 3 ways – 1. Motion, 2- Urine & 3- Sweat. All 3 should happen between every meal.

Before every meal and anything going inside, these 3 should happen to you. it means 2 meal a day and at least twice you should do 1, 2 & sweating – means working out. Sweating is completely out of our life! We don’t even sit on the ground! Sitting on the ground is considered a great tapas!

Whoever is doing this Chandra samyama and this liquid diet bring your awareness again & again when your body sends the hunger thirst signal to you – is it from stomach or is it from throat. If it is from stomach don’t listen to it. just tell the body – get lost.

Your body is like your child if you use harsh words it will listen to you. If you look in, then it will become alert. If you don’t look in, then the fat will slowly start coming. First understand, do not trust the signal if it is from stomach. It has to be from throat.

You can spend few days breaking this signal of the habit of getting signal from stomach. Few days of liquid diet will help you to stop the habit of getting signal from stomach. If you are hungry or thirsty, signal should be from right place! If signal itself is coming from wrong place. What will happen to all your response.

You are nothing but junk food dust bin & coke barrel if you are listening to the signals from the belly.

I am going to guide you guys in this samyama step by step.

1st thing – change the habit of receiving signals from wrong places. Then I will explain how doing samyama on throat completely relieves you from the hunger and thirst.

So first the wrong hunger & thirst should disappear. 2nd the right hunger & thirst should be understood. Then technique of awakening the throat, which will not only will give you the technique but right signal also will happen.

Throat chakra itself will start releasing energy and then another 25% of your food intake will reduce. So within one week your intake itself will come down to only 25% and you will be fully alive, intelligent and with less weight. So it is an important thing to understand Patanjali is not only talking about weight loss, he is talking about the dimension of going beyond the necessity of food or water.

First I will bring you out of this obesity. Then bring you to the regular food habit. Then teaching you the science of the food energy and reduce it to less food and water. Then teach you the science of food energy where no food is required! I am declaring today human beings can live without food & water from outside. I have seen people living, learnt the science from them and I myself lived like that. So I can share that science with you!

I may not emphasize too much that you should go to the extreme without food & water because you need to waste a lot of time preparing for that. That is nothing wrong in little food & water. But when you spend 100s of 1000s of dollars on food you should equally spend on medicine too! I am not against food industry.

I am against you falling into the vicious circle of food & medicine industry. I will teach you the science step by step – inch by inch. Today all of you practice this – just today try to live on liquid diet and take the neem juice.

Whenever you get the signal of hunger or thirst, see it should come from throat, not from stomach. Only after you experience this shift, I want to continue further.

In this one week, I will create a powerful vedic weight loss progam. Guaranteed program for weight without any side effect. I will create eN Weight loss program. Blessings!

24 MAR 2011 SURE WAYS TO WEIGHT LOSS! (Continuation-Day2)
Patanjali Yoga Sutras 137,Chapter 3,Verse 31
kantha kupe kshutpipasa nivrittih

Today I am continuing on sure ways to weight loss! I want to give you the jist of yesterday’s samyama if you are tuning in today.

Understand, doing samyama means intensely feeling connected in the throat chakra, vishuddhi chakra to go beyond the hunger & thirst.
1st the pseudo hunger & thirst sensations and signals stop. So you stop junking and you start eating.
2nd step when the samyama becomes deeper on the vishuddhi chakra even the necessity of food intake – quanitity will reduce.

In 1st step 25% of food intake will reduce. With 2nd step another 25% will drop. Then 3rd step, as the samyama deepens you will no more have necessity to take any food or water.

I will teach the 1st two steps first. The whole humanity is suffering with these 2 – eating too much and eating unnecessarily. So I have some scientific researches here about this subject. The amount of energy needed for us everyday is determined by how much ATP our mitochondria can create.

Please understand thyroid activity is an important word – again & again Patanjali is insisting on throat chakra which is the vishuddhi chakra and scientific research also says that thyroid is directly connected to the throat. As the age increases the number of mitochondria cells die. One easy way to reverse this is by exercising. But by this, only 40% of your mitochondria energy will increase. But with levitation, 1300% increase has been recorded.

In our Bidadi Ashram in the south west corner of the banyan tree where there is a Patanjali shrine – there I am creating an intense energy field in that area, something like a 100 sq feet, so that whoever comes and sits there they will have levitation!

We will install Patanjali’s murthi there in his pure form of aadi sesha – 1000 hood snake. I am planting siddha herbs and yantras with proper praana pratishta. So if you come there, you will experience the Kundalini raising and levitation.

I will connect how
the thyroid activity is balanced, the ATP increases and weight loss happens through Patanjali’s samyama. Understand, throat chakra is the main source of energy for thyroid. Thyroid is activated and controlled by the throat chakra.

When you do samyama on the throat chakra the whole thyroid activity will be balanced. The 1st thing that will happen is you will start receiving the hunger & thirst signals from the throat instead of stomach. If you receive it from stomach it means it is pure greed not hunger. It means you are greedy and want to store food in advance. Only when you receive it from the throat you are a human.

Animals can have fear or greed for food because the regular supply of their food is not ensured. So they can get signal from navel. Nothing wrong. Their food eating habit can be based on fear & greed. But I want to remind you that you are not an animal. So let your foot eating habits not be based on navel. Let it be based on throat. Only then you are human being.

Next, even in human being level you don’t need so much food. You need only 1/5th of the earth part. There are 5 parts – sky – space, air, fire, water & earth. Understand it is time human beings realize you don’t need to fill yourself all 5 parts with food. Contribute only to earth & water. Other 3 are directly taken from the nature.

The 3rd is completely being independent of food – anna vimukta. It means you don’t need food to run your life. Once in a while you can grace food. Nothing wrong.

Understand, intense samyama on this area the throat center have maybe a rudraksha or rudraksha connected with sandal beads. Lie down, put this on your throat and visualize the intense fire. Please understand throat – vishuddhi is a male chakra. Ajan is female chakra – arrogance & ego is female energy.

visualize intense fire – sun in the throat chakra. Wear a rudraksha with sandal wood mala or close neck mala with one rudraksha and sandal wood beads. You have to lie down, by sitting this samyama will not create a strong effect on your body. or completely relax in a chair where your head is resting. Your head and neck should not be possessed by you. You should relax and let go of your head.

For samyama your awareness is required but you should not control that part. These are basic laws of samyama. Any part you want to do samyama, you should just be aware and not have control on it.

So put the rudraksha and sandal wood mala and if you don’t have, apply sandal wood paste on you, lie down and intensely visualize sun – burning fire. You can also see Youtube clips of burning sun and you will know how to visualize. The intensity of the visualization will determine how the samyama works on you.

Also if you are doing Chandra samyama, you can do this in the day time. You need not sit under open sky in this. You can sit in your room and visualize. The cool sandal paste you apply should become dry & dark and it should just fall, just drop by your visualization. Then suddenly you will see the whole body runs intensely with the nature’s energy.

Running by the nature energy means you will be running by proper fuel and there will not be air pollution or any other pollution by you. The truths you will listen from your master – your non-mechanical parts of your body will just click with you!

When you are in the intense presence of the master, any truth he reveals, your non-mechanical parts of your brain are completely open and you are ready to receive even matter. The power of the presence landing on your system. Understand you are in a presence where even dead matter obeys. Then simply your brain will imbibe this truth.

This samyama on the throat will 1st thing will remove unnecessary signals sent by your body for hunger & thirst – that itself will cut down 50% of your intake. And 2nd your need for food and thrist will go down by another 25%. So if you do samyama on this throat chakra for 21 days you will lose this for at least 75% and you will have proper weight loss. This method is a sure way.

1st problem is that the wrong signal has to be changed. 2nd reducing even the necessary intake. 3rd automatically your body will stop taking food and liquids. Understand, without doing this samyama, if you reduce food intake you will be tired. The energy source will not be food anymore, it will be the inner space. Instead of receiving energy for your body from food, you will receive it from your kundalini energy.

The samyamas like Vishuddhi & Ajna will quickly awaken. Do this samyama and get back. Tomorrow I will continue the deeper parts of this samyama. In this Inner Awakening I will add one more unique feature – weight loss, weight balancing guaranteed! I will challenge anyone with over weight, I guarantee proper BMI in you. we will do the perfect weight loss program in this Inner Awakening. Blessings!

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #137,Chapter 3,Verse 31
kantha kupe kshutpipasa nivrittih

I am continuing on the samyama on the throat chakra. Kandakupeh kshutpipasa nivruthihi.

Patanjali is using a very powerful word – nivruthihi means the very vruthi becomes insignificant to you. You go beyond it. Vruthi means that movement, that wave, that disturbance – hunger & thirst is supposed to be a kind of disturbance. Nivruthi means you just go beyond the disturbance. It is no more a disturbance for you!

Today I will speak on the 3rd dimension of this sutra. Yesterday I gave you the exact process – Visualize the intense burning sun on the throat for at least 21 minutes, merge into that visualization. Give a strong instruction when you are in that samyama. Please balance yourself. Please become alive. Please express your intelligence.

When you give these kind of instructions, even if there are 1 or 2 mistakes in your visualizations or instructions, let the balance happen. Instead of saying let strong weight loss happen, give instruction let you be intelligent and balanced.

I tell you all diseases related to obesity and overweight will disappear with this samyama. The kundalini awakening in the 1st level is a gift by me. When you levitate, if you practice this samyama it will directly start giving you the result in your life. Kundalni awakening is like me giving you a million dollars. Doing this samyama is like you spending that money for whatever you want.

If you are sitting in my presence regularly, even if you are not levitating regularly, if you are feeling psychologically something extraordinary is happening in your system by the master’s presence, then understand you are having the direct presence of the master and kundalini is awakening in you.

Sitting in the master’s presence means in our temples being seen directly by me or sitting in my physical presence – this is one group, sitting in your house alone and meditating is another group. When you see a clear solid difference when you sit in my presence, then your kundalini is awakening. Then when you do these kind of samyamas during this time, you will see immediate results will happen.

Now I am going to talk to you about the mystical part of this sutra. I will recommend not to practice this part unless you are directly physically sitting with me & working.

This 1st part which Patanjali talks as nivruthi – means living completely without food and water. The 1st – changing the wrong signals to right signals and 2nd reducing the food intake – these 2 you can practice. But this 3rd one that I am talking now, you need to do in my physical presence so that I can ensure you are safe. I want to express it so that it is on record.

Understand, in this you need to get into a unique diet system. You will be surprised how this diet system can get you to a space of no food. This was taught to me by Issakki swamigal.

First instruction is at least 8 times a day do this samyama. Means 21 minutes intensely visualizing the hot sun on the throat chakra & merging into that energy. After each time, have some food made out of the rice flour and ghee usually he takes the ghee dosa. Have ghee dosa. You have to eat 8 times.

It may be like a paradox. That is how it starts. Do samyama 8 times. After every samyama he used to eat ghee dosa. You can eat a ghee and rice flour item. Eat as much as you can. But the problem is all 8 times you have to eat. If you say 1st two times you ate and 3rd time you are not able to eat. No. something is wrong.

If you continue this after every samyama it will become half in 10 days. Then it will become quarter after 20 days. Then after every samyama within 3 months, your system will become so alive and strong you may then just need a tea spoon of ghee.

I have seen Issakki Swamigal live with 10 teaspoons of little sugar & teaspoon of ghee. That’s all. Nothing else. He will not only walk Arunachala hill, he will roll! Just with 10 teaspoon of ghee & sugar. I want to warn you this kind of samyama can be done only in the presence of the master.

I will prove with 10 of my ashramites. I want to show all this to the world. I am so happy that you guys are doing the Chandra smayama. You will actually have the nectarian effect on your system. When you look in – your liver, heart, intestine you will feel like a child’s body – alive, fresh! That is how you will know if the samyama is working or not.

Whenever you visualize the sun or moon or polar star, anything in your inner space, it is called inner light. Whenever you visualize inner light inside, your body becomes suddha prakasa – the self effulgent light. You will see that you have just a child’s body.

This Inner Awakening I will see people will be taking in 25% of the quantity but they will be alive, active and energetic. No side effects. I have yoga prashtaas who live around me. I will pick up those yogis and train them. I will prove to the world – see here, people are living without food and water.

Understand the essence –
1. Changing the wrong signal to right signal.
2. Reducing the food intake.
3. Completely independent, free from food.

This 3rd samyama as I said, 8 times a day samyama. After every samyama eat ghee dosa and automatically the food intake will come down. You will not feel like eating. You will feel only this much is enough. When you are supposed to take 8 times, your body will take exactly what it needs. What it can burn in next 1 or 1/2 hour.

Your bio memory will start trusting that you will get food every one hour. So you do not need to store it. The 1st thing you need to do is your bio memory needs to trust. You need not store. But for this you need to do heavy yoga like 200 or 300 surya namaskar or heavy weight lifting!

With very minimal food I will build the body & show to you. I am working on all these samyamas through my body so that people can understand and practice it. In our tradition, all swamis, brahmacharis and even devotees should be yogis.

When I use the word samajis, satsangis don’t think you have the title becos you contribute a little money. NO. I want you to do tapas. Build the body, build the mind. Understand Yogic body, vedic mind and eNliving. I can say this is the essence. All these 3 should happen in you.

So the exact instruction for going beyond the necessity of food & water. Let me add this instruction also. After taking that one ghee dosa, you have to drink as much water as possible. So 8 samyamas, 8 meals nothing else should be taken in. Within 3 months, simply a spoon of ghee & sugar is enough for you. Body will be alive.

It is a very safe and smooth way of transition for your body from food to no food. A very safe transition.

I have seen Issakki Swamigal do this for at least 3 or 4 people. Many villages in India you can find these kind of yogis. Even in Paramahamsa Yogananda’s autobiography you will find there is a reference of a lady yogi who lived without food & water. If you travel all over India you will find at least 2000 people – yogis who don’t eat any food & take any water – just independent of food & water. This was actually a life science for us. Later on in course of time, it got lost.

Let us now enter into the samyama. Intensely focus on the Vishuddhi chakra, the throat center and visualize the sun. Even if you are levitating, focus on it. Keep getting your focus back to the Vishuddhi Chakra and visualize the sun in that space. Blessings!

26 MAR 2011 - SAMYAMA ON THROAT, VISHUDHI CHAKRA (Continuation-Day 4)
Patanjali Yoga Sutra #137,Chapter 3,Verse 31
kantha kupe kshutpipasa nivrittih

We enter into the next dimension of this samyama. Not only making your body go beyond the necessity of food and water, hunger and thirst, this samyama can take you beyond any energy intake.

Science of Jiva Samadhi-Living without food, water, air, fire, space energy-Producing all energies from innerspace and keeping you alive.

Desires are the energy from space, Prana is the energy from air, Fire from sun, digestive fires, blood is the energy from water, bone marrow, muscle mass etc from earth.

There are 9 body fluids running in your body-Navapashana's - 9 poisons. In Siddha Tradition. the word Pashana refers to certain high quality alive chemical. So maybe instead of the word poison, I will use the word 'catalyst agent' for these fluids like blood, water in the eyes, saliva, mucous in the nose, seminal fluids.

If you are able to produce these 9 pashanas without any outside agent - without desire, semen being produced, blood being produced without water intake. If you can produce all from your body, you are a Siddha who can be in Jiva Samadhi.

If you can produce water in the eyes without any external help, you are liberated from eyes, you can see without eyes. Similarly if you can have prana, you are liberated from the nose etc.

I will make at least 1000 people live without water and food for at least 3 years. By the end of this year I will have at least 25 acharyas who will go around teleporting, materializing, who will be living examples of yogic tradition.

Any catalyst agent of your body, if you are able to produce without input from the outer world, then you are liberated from that sense. Eg. if you can produce semem independent of desire. A man who is independent of the desires and fantasies of the hormonal responses of normal human lives is free from the urge to reproduce. He can infuse life by just a look. If he touches a stone, it will be filled by Prana. Just a look is enough, no need to even touch.

In every step if you are liberated from creating a catalytic agent, without input from the outer world, you are liberated from that. Samyama from Vishudhi can liberate you from all the 9 catalyst agents producing inputs. You can go on producing it, you are alive in Jivan Samadhi.

There are thousands of examples of Swamys who have been in Jivan Samadhi. Trilanaga Swami, some 100 years back, will be sitting in samadhi by the river banks and the flood will come and bury him and after some 5 months people will dig him out and he will be talking to them. Similarly Poondy Swamy, just40 years back.These are not just stories. The science of Jivan Samadhii is not false.

At least 108 of my disciples will have Jivan Samadhi. I will be sitting in Jivan Samadhi with at least 10,000 disciples around me, one sun with 10,000 mirrors. I will prove this science. All my Swamys will be living with me, only a department change in the imperishable space, from there on, we will continue the work.

The exact technique - (This should not be practiced without the guidance of the master) Bring the awareness intensely on the Vishudhi Chakra as a shining sun and give instructions to each catalyst agent to stop producing from the outer world - eyes-water, mind-seminal fluids, blood flow from food and water, prana from air. You are withdrawing yourself from each one by one.

The catalyst production will become independent of the outer agents. The Sun in the throat chakra will be enough to produce all the catalytic agents to run your life. Simple withdrawal.

1 comment:

  1. love his teachings...
    nice blog you got... and thanks for your comment... :-)
